Table of Contents

FastCube .NET Components

FastCube .NET is a library of components for Visual Studio. NET. Components can be divided into Visual and not Visual.

This guide is designed to help you create and edit a cube, slice and other components and their properties in the application code.

List of FastCube.Net components

  • Cube - non-visual component that is responsible for loading the fields with unique values and rows of data from files, databases, and other sources, storing and processing structures in application memory.

  • CubeGrid - visual component that displays Cube data in tabular form with the possibility of manipulation by the user.

  • CubeGridToolbar - visual component, toolbar with CubeGrid management functions.

  • Slice - non-visual component responsible for executing OLAP operations on the data Cube, the calculation of the measures and the preparation of views for the PivotTable and chart.

  • SliceGrid - visual component that displays data Slice in the form of a PivotTable, with the possibility of manipulation by the user.

  • SliceGridToolbar - visual component, a toolbar with control functions for SliceGrid.

  • Chart - a visual component that displays data Slice in the chart.

  • ChartToolbar - visual component, a toolbar with control functions for the Chart.

  • DataSource - non-visual component, the data source for the cube.

  • DBDataSet - non-visual component that provides data in the DataSource from the database.

  • DTDataSet - non-visual component that provides data in the DataSource from the DataTable.

Now, let's consider the scheme of the relationship of components.

Consider the diagram from left to right. The DataSource object has a property of a DataSet. The value of this property is a reference to one of two objects: DBDataSet, or DTDataSet.

A Cube object is the DataSource property. CubeGrid and Slice are associated with the Cube.

In turn, SliceGrid and Chart associated with the Slice. In the future, this scheme helps us to configure connection between components.